The Artists and Their Artistry

We love the phrase "it takes a village" - because - IT DOES! We wouldn't be where we are today if this team of folks (and many others) hadn't contributed their talents, time and gifts. Invaluable service and beautiful expressions of grace in the lives of these artists is shared with you. We wanted to give special thanks to these...

Brian Hankes

The Artist - Brian Hankes is a graphic design production artist working in advertising in Scottsdale, Arizona. He graduated in 2007 from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art, with an emphasis in Graphic Design. His interests include golf, ping pong, music,and photography.

The Art - Brian Hankes is an artist who possesses the energy and stamina to withstand the endless adjustments and turns demanded by a creation-in-the-making. Especially when the creative process is unfolding and emerging as the project moves forward, the skills of a patient and thorough graphic designer are needed. Brian has engineered this final product to its ultimate beauty with his attention to the larger concepts of beauty and balance while tending to the details of font, color, scale, contrast, and space.

JB Pham -

The Artist - JB Pham was a perfect fit for this project, in particular, as he has led a life of practicing respectful relating in Vietnam, the Philippines, and Arizona! While JB served as our Urban Photographer by dusk, he works his day gig in an architecture firm, employing his B.S. in Architecture and Master of Science in Architecture. JB completed both degrees at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ.

The Art - JB’s passion for photography originates in his obsession with wanting to keep everything from the past. He refers to Susan Sontags’s idea, “Photographs are a way of imprisoning reality...or they enlarge a reality that is felt to be shrunk. One can’t possess reality, one can possess images – one can possess the present, but one can possess the past.” As JB has recently enjoyed the lively challenges of buying a home, wrapping up graduate school, among other changes, the static state of an image brings peace and joy to this man of such recent, but wonderful, life changes.  JB’s easy style was an ideal dovetail for our outdoor shoot at dusk, on the light rail platform, during rush hour in downtown Phoenix. Our reality that day was larger than life, and our urban photographer captured it beautifully. You can view JB’s color image of this shot on our web site.

Audra Reagan

The Artist - At the time of release date for Moving Past Money Pain, Audra Reagan was a 16 year-old high school junior attending the Alabama School of Find Arts in Birmingham, AL, where her specialty was Visual Arts. In addition to Art, Audra enjoys performing in ballet, singing, theatrical arts, and has taught herself to play the piano and the guitar. She has maintained and "A" average in her academic coursework, and is an avid participant in her church youth program. The author, Dr. Jane N. Geiger, believes Audra is a lovely soul...and emerging eagle...and we are honored to have her on the design team. Youth rocks! Audra's drawings of the author and two women represent the range of clients served by our local nonprofit organization, as well as the range of all people who are working through the challenges of our present economy.

The Art - The Woman of Wealth, with black glasses, hat, and jewels, possesses a serious set of challenges. Her concerns may include that her wealth has been reduced, and therefore, her philanthropy is also reduced. for her, it is not just about baubles and beauty, but benevolence. Her glasses hide the worry and fear in her eyes. The Woman of Work, drawn from an actual photo of the author, is wearing a uniform shirt with a monogram (instead of TWA, our artist put her initials on Dr. Geiger's shirt). This woman could be your waitress, your flight attendant, or the owner of a small business. Her concern is to stay employed, remaining self-reliant...hopeful to have a portion from which to feed herself while sharing with others. The Woman of Want is a rendering of a woman who has recently become homeless. she is not only grieving the loss of her earning power and her home, but also the loss of dignity and hope.

Alicia L. Scott - you can read about Alicia here.

Scot Simmons - you can read about Scot here.