Dr. Jane N. Geiger
Alabama Roots
A Creative Counselor – Jane completed the Master of Arts in Counseling degree from the University of Alabama in Birmingham, in 1993. Two years later, she founded Grace Ministries, Inc, a nonprofit counseling and education center, in Birmingham, AL. While being distinctly Christian, the ministry is inclusive and gracious with a consistent mission to radically reach out to all people who seek relational guidance, executive coaching, and spiritual mentoring. All donations to Grace Ministries are tax-deductible, and the success of this Christian Counseling center has been through the generous support of the local community. GRACE for all, always.
A Committed Scholar – In academic pursuits, Dr. Geiger has been the recipient of high honors, distinctive awards, and multiple scholarships. She is uniquely qualified with a rare combination of education in business, marketing, counseling, and theology – completing her academic path with the Doctorate of Ministry degree in Spiritual Formation from Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland, OH. This pursuit of excellence is a hallmark of GRACE.
A Stable Spiritual Guide – While staying true to the core mission of GRACE, Jane has lead the ministry to evolve and grow, remaining responsive to the changing needs of clients and the culture for nearly two decades. Jane is a change agent and a stable force.
An Innovative Entrepreneur – Fortified by her education from the University of Alabama’s College of Commerce and Business Administration, Jane has founded and pioneered dozens of successful efforts throughout the last 20 years. This experience makes Jane a reliable guide for CEO’s, CFO’s, pastors, managers, visionaries and leaders in industry who have sought her leadership as an Executive Coach.
Follow Dr. Jane on Twitter: @AskDoctorJane
These photos of Jane were captured by Sara Tew, a nurse, musician, and passionate photographer, in the beautiful center of downtown Homewood, AL, near the GRACE offices, ministry, and writing studio.