About Grace Ministries

Mission Statement

Grace Ministries seeks to refreshingly communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Christian counseling, education and ministry. 

Statement of Faith

Grace Ministries is an ecumenical and inter-denominational Christian counseling ministry. Our beliefs are consistent with most all Christian denominational beliefs because they are based on the core values as demonstrated in the Bible. Our beliefs exclude no one. We minister to everyone. Many outside the Christian faith have found a safe haven and personal healing at Grace Ministries. 

We believe in God - The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.

We believe in the two greatest commandments: To Love God & To Love Others.

We believe in a personal relationship with God that is fueled mainly through solitude, slience, simplicity & prayer.

We believe that each person is at a different place than any other on their journey with God. We need fellow sojourners to bond with us in fellowship for the spiritual adventure ahead of us.

We believe in the equality and essential dignity of men and women of all races, ages, and classes. We recognize that all persons are made in the image of God.

We believe in Grace. We oppose legalism. We strive to follow the model of Jesus Christ who described Himself simply as humble & gentle and who had a principal ministry of compassion.

Ministry Philosophy


First, we have no higher priority than to love God and be with Him. As ministers of the Gospel, we are to spend ample time with God and trust our relationship with Him to be the headwaters of the Holy Spirit's waterfall at Grace Ministries.  This priority includes time with our families and friends who are our constant nurturers and protectors in the faith.  The blessing of God through Grace Ministries is intended to spread to these family members and friends. 


Second, we exist to pray, give, and spread encouragement to one another. The intercessory ministry is the next highest priority at Grace Ministries. The power of the ministers to bless others is made perfect through prayer. The ministers are prayed over on a regular basis. The ministry is multiplied by prayer. We operate in praise, encouragement, and thankfulness to each other and to the patrons who support this ministry.


Lastly, we exist to love others. We counsel the needy. We pray over the hurting. We speak words of life and liberty. We educate. We tell the truth. We are merciful. We help people. We give our time and money. We shed tears and laugh out loud as the Holy Spirit leads us. We hand people the fruit of God that He grows in our midst. We ask people to sit under the waterfall of God's grace and be healed.


P.S. - Oh, sure there is more that we do and things we have to do. We have to deal with money and budgets and taxes. We have to pay bills, resolve conflicts, and return phone calls and emails.  We have to raise funds, schedule clients, buy pencils, and make repairs. We hold board meetings and conduct business. But, this is not what we are about. And if these things ever become the priorities at Grace Ministries then we will fold up our tents and go home.


Grace Ministries is dedicated to providing excellence in leadership for ministers of the Gospel. Every employee, board member and volunteer of Grace Ministries is a leader who reflects the values upon which Grace Ministries is founded. The leaders at Grace Ministries are expected to exhibit grace and tolerance in their relationships with others, to deal openly, honestly and seriously with sin in their personal lives, to spend time with God in solitude, silence, and prayer, and to give their families and friends the priority they deserve. The leaders of Grace Ministries are expected to be gracious, giving, and passionate about God and their ministry. Certain problems have become rampant in the Christian ministry profession, among these, are greed, apathy, neglect of family members, sexual sins, and abuse of authority. At Grace Ministries, we have declared war against these problems.


Grace Ministries is committed to excellence in stewardship over the ministry finances. Our financial & tax records are open to all members of the public who wish to review them. These records include income, expenses, and the salaries of our employees. We believe that all churches and religious organizations have this obligation to their supporters and to the public generally. Non-profit religious organizations are required by law to disclose their annual financial reports to the public.  You are welcome to review the financial records of Grace Ministries (and other non-profits) at www.guidestar.org.


What is SacraMental Health?

SacraMental Health is our belief that effective Christian counseling ministry treats the whole person - ministering to the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical needs of clients. Grace Ministries is capable of using a variety of different treatment plans depending on the needs of the client. Although we employ only the best ministers, counselors and coaches, we believe that people also need the internal & intimate counsel of the Holy Spirit in order to become fully whole and healed both mentally and emotionally.

Surveys have concluded that 80-90% of clients in need of counseling prefer that their spiritual needs be addressed during their sessions. While most professional counselors steer clear of the client's religious concerns, GraceMinistries is uniquely qualified to meet this need.

Silence, solitude, and prayer with God is crucial to complete healing and transformation. Grace Ministries encourages (and often provides) quiet sanctuary for individuals to meet with God to perform this deepest work of the heart.