Click the image to Review!Grace Ministries, Inc. Christian Counseling since 1996...
- We are unable to accept new clients at this time in our flock is full.
- Please reach the counselors at Covenant Counseling in Alabama.
- Currently, Rev. Dr. Geiger is finishing three books.
- Thank you. God bless you. And, have a richly blessed day.
Jane N. Geiger, M.A., D.Min., has been passionately enjoying her life as a full-time counselor, community leader, and client advocate for over 20 years. Trained in Family Systems Therapy and Pastoral Care, Dr. Geiger has the experience and passion to provide effective pastoral counseling in the following areas: individual, couple, marital, divorce, premarital, family, church staff, corporate conflicts, troubled teens, and more. As the Founder and President of Grace Ministries, the Writer’s Cup of Grace, Homewood Christian Counseling, GraceSOUTH and Mission Mediation, Dr. Geiger is particularly gifted to work with other community leaders, educators, pastors, government officials, corporate officers, executives in transition, and, of course, stay-at-home moms, whom, we all know, are the leaders of everything!
Jane’s areas of expertise and passion include the following:
*grace – helping people move from binding, false legalism to balanced, gracious truth
*growth – helping people apply healthy concepts of sin and conviction unto spiritual maturity
*grief – working with people to aid them in their process of pain, trauma, or loss
*honesty – providing an atmosphere of biblical grace where clients can be fully honest, leaving behind all image-management attempts while working toward acceptance of self
*peaceful relationships – guiding others to peace via direct, respectful relating so that relationships at home, at work, with in-laws, and with stepfamily members are blessed
*respectful relating – helping others grow to respect and love all people who are made “Imago Dei,” in the image of God – addressing racial, gender, and other tense situations
*divorce issues – divorce prevention, divorce adjustment, successful divorce, children
*family wellness – guiding families to healthy relating, a prioritized marriage, children at rest under the safety net of a healthy marriage, family cooperation, children who labor to make the family system run smoothly, and proactive guidance to avoid the “child-centered family” which creates self-centered adults
*career coaching – recession career changes, retirement transitioning, job fitness, occupational suitability, personality testing, inventory of spiritual gifts
*physical fitness – working with clients to prioritize physical activity as a lifestyle – a critical slice of daily life in gentle balance with God, people, work, play, and rest
*passionate marriage – guiding clients to reach for God’s highest standards for marriage, including a passionate marital life . . . “leave, cleave, and become one flesh” . . . while coaching clients to protect and guard the marriage from all outside destructive nettles including work, addiction, children, in-laws, past judgments, unforgiveness, and more.
Counseling sessions are by appointment only, serving clients in the greater Birmingham, AL area and across the globe. To reach our counselors directly, please email us via our contact page. We are not established to address mental health emergencies, and will return your call within 24 hours. All donations to our 501.c.3 nonprofit for counseling and training are tax-deductible.
For complete information about all of our counselors, staff and other ministry efforts, please continue enjoying the information provided on our website. God bless you! Welcome to healing, hope, insight, balance, wellness, and GRACE!